Henan Lantian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. > News > chilli drying machine
Posted at: 2025 / 03 / 08 08:58:28 by: Admin views:
chilli are widely planted in many countries in the world. Every harvest season, in addition to fresh vegetables that need to be transported and sold, many need to be dried and processed into various chilli products. There are many precautions for chilli in the drying process, such as stacking thickness, drying parameters, temperature and humidity control, etc.
1. Stacking thickness: When using a chilli drying machine to dry chilli, pay attention to the stacking thickness of the peppers. It is recommended that the stacking thickness of the chilli be about 20-25 mm. chilli are stacked too thin: Although the air permeability is good, the wind resistance is small, and it is conducive to heat exchange, it will shorten the contact time between chilli and hot air, resulting in reduced heat utilization. chilli are stacked too thick: It will increase the resistance to hot air circulation, and the hot air cannot penetrate the material layer, resulting in poor chilli drying effect or even the problem of being unable to dry.
2. Drying temperature parameters: The hot air temperature value of the pepper dryer determines the drying quality and drying efficiency of chilli , so chilli need to test the drying quality and efficiency of different varieties of chilli at various temperatures to determine the specific chilli drying temperature and other parameter settings. It should be noted that chilli contain more than ten kinds of main nutrients, and some of them are easily lost and destroyed at high temperatures. In order not to reduce the nutritional content, it is not advisable to choose a higher hot air temperature.
3. Moisture resuscitation before packaging: After the chilli are dried, the moisture content is very low, the texture is crispy, and it is very easy to break. Therefore, they should be placed indoors for moisture resuscitation to absorb a certain amount of water and soften before packaging and storage.
4. Moisture content and humidity control of chilli : The key to controlling the drying of chilli is moisture. Under normal circumstances, the moisture content of dried chilli is about 14%. Too high moisture content is easy to mold and deteriorate, and too low moisture content is easy to break. Therefore, the moisture control should be appropriate.
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